domingo, 23 de junio de 2013

My opinion about the film Blade Runner

I don´t understand this film so much, but it´s a future film that shows the following years in the Earth where there are replicants. A man called Deckard was a policeman that is going to kill all the replicants, but they have hidden. I don´t sure but I think he loves than one replicant who finished died like the athers replicants. In the middle of this exciting film Deckard should kill a replicant that wants live more time. Finally the policeman win and kill the replicant . It´sa film very fantastic and interesting that shows the future Earth.

My opinion about the 21 days in the mine

It´s the story of a woman thatlives in Spain and she worked during all the day with a woman miner who works for feed her children and the worst is that she receives little money.The first day, both women worked all day on a mine. The reporter stoped to work in the mine because she didn't  work during that time, instead she helped other women to find the mineral on the remains of the mine. Every day she worked except when they visited a "town" where they spent a lot of money and they buy necesary things like books or shoes.There she and her children can have a shower and are funny (little time) It´s a sad and true story that makes you thing about the luck of live in a developed society. Their living conditions are poor and they have just to survive, but they love themselves, this is all that they need. I think that is injusted because some people have a lot of money and other haven´t got anything. 

My opinion about the orphanages of China

In China, because of the new law of one child, Chinese people started to abandon their babies in orphanages. Most of the babies are girls because their parents thought that is better have a boy than a girl. The orphanages are dirty and without the necesary things for care children. There are places were babies are not cared and they die, this places are called dying rooms. There are no enough personal who attend the children, so most die and nobody help them. This is a true story, that occur nowadays. I think that is a wrong idea have a law of one child because there are other ways for reduce the natality and the population growth. It is a terrible form to reduce the population. It is better raise awareness all people to start to have few child. The orphanages are abandoned, the goverment should help they with more money and people who work on it. If this measures will be enforced, orphans will have a better live in this country. It´s very sad.

Developed Nations versus Underdeveloped Nations

A developed country is a state that has a highly developed economy and advanced technological infrastructure relative to other less developed nations. Most commonly the criteria for evaluating the degree of economic development are gross domestic product the per capita income, level of industrialization, amount of widespread infrastructure and general standard of living. Which criteria are to be used and which countries can be classified as being developed are subjects of debate.Developed countries have post-industrial economies, meaning the service sector provides more wealth than the industrial sector.  

An underdevelopment country is when resources are not used to their full socio-economic potential, with the result that local or regional development is slower in most cases than it should be. Furthermore, it results from the complex interplay of internal and external factors that allow less developed countries only a lop-sided development progression. Underdeveloped nations are characterized by a wide disparity between their rich and poor populations, and an unhealthy balance of trade.[1] Symptoms of underdevelopment include lack of access to job opportunities, health care, drinkable water, food, education and housing.

Economic development around the world

Economic development generally refers to the sustained, concerted actions of policymarkers and communities that promote the standard of living and economic health of a specific area. Economic development can also be referred to as the quantitative and qualitative changes in the economy.  

For and against tourism

Tourism is travel for recreational, leisure, or business purposes. 

  • Generates employment in the terciary sector
  • Profits may leak aboard from the country 
  • Cultural exchanges between people-leading to gre undrerstanding
  • Locals may benefit from improved infrastucture and facilities

  • It can destroy the enviroment because of the excesive construction of buildings
  • Some tourists don´t respect the places they visit
  • Attracts people who prey on tourists

Factory location influences

        There are seven factors that influence the location of a factory and they are the following:

  •  Energy source
  •  Water source
  •  Distance to get materials for production
  •  Distance for workers to drive
  •  Distance to send out products
  •  Enough space
 zoning and other laws of the area

Ligh Industry

Light industry is usually less capital intensive than heavy industry, and is more consumer-oriented than business-oriented. Light industry facilities typically have less environmental impact than those associated with heavy industry, and zoning laws are more likely to permit light industry near residential areas. It is the production of small consumer goods. The characteristics of light industry are:
  • Require only a small amount of raw materials, area and power. 
  • The value of the goods are low and they are easy to transport. 
  • The number of products is high. 
  • While light industry typically causes relatively little pollution, particularly when compared to heavy industries, some light industry can cause significant pollution or risk of contamination.
  • Electronics manufacturing, itself often a light industry, can create potentially harmful levels of lead or chemical wastes in soil due to improper handling of solder and waste products.

Map of the main international political organizations

International Political Organisations are broad organisations used to group together certain types of political parties. Parties join so to gather interest from onlookers and also to allow people to gather an idea of what their politics are.

Bar chart of the number of internet users in the world

The term internet users includes subscribers who pay for internet access and paople who have access without paying directly, either as a member of a household or from work, school, library or internet café. Therefore, the total number of internet users can be two or three times the number of actual internet subscribers. English, Chinese and Spanish are the languages used most often on the internet. The percentage of people using the internet arund the world continued to grow.

Map of the world’s gross domestic product

Gross domestic product is the market value of all officially recognized final goods and services produced within a country in a given period of time. GDP per capita is often considered an indicator of a country's standard of living.

Map of the main tourist areas

The main tourist areas of the world are: Paris in France, New York in the USA, Megico, Spain, London, China, Japan, Australia, Italy and Greece. There are other but they aren´t the main tourist areas. 

sábado, 22 de junio de 2013

Map of world trade

Trade Map was developed by the International Trade Centre  to answer these and related questions with the objectives of facilitating strategic market research, monitoring both national and product-specific trade performance, revealing comparative and competitive advantage, identifying the potential for market or product diversification and designing and prioritizing trade development programmes for both firms and trade support institutions.